Saturday, March 31, 2007

Yes it is true

Sorry it has taken so long for me to write, but yes it is true I did break my arm. More specifically I have a compressed fracture of the radial ball of my elbow and the other bone beside it (sorry I do not remember the technical names). It happened Tuesday morning when my front tire of my bike hit a hole and needless to say I went flying. The options were either to hit my head on a rock or to catch myself with my arm - so I chose the lesser of two evils :) I went first to the hospital there in Arua, which was an adventure in and of itself. God provided a great German doctor there who stayed and helped me through all of the processes of x-rays and casts etc. However since I was still in a lot of pain Dr. Rick Morse who is volunteering here in Uganda for a few months with his wife wanted me to fly back to Kampala for better treatment. I saw an orthopedist on Thursday and I am to be in a cast for a month then I will have to come back to Kampala for what he said would be "intense" physical therapy. So thank you all for your prayers! They have meant so much to me in these last few days.
I also just received word that our gaurd Christopher who had a stroke on Wednesday (I will write more on this later) is sitting up this morning!! What a huge praise!! We have so much to thank Jesus for!!