Sunday, March 18, 2007

Finally Home!

(Here are some pictures from our trip up to Arua. The one on the left is a momma baboon and her baby. We were able to see an elephant, many monkeys, some hippo's, Ugandan cobb, waterbuck and a few more animals on the journey! The middle picture is of my bedroom! Mosquitos are pretty bad in this area so we have to sleep under a mosquito net! Then the picture on the right is a picture of our windshield during a stretch of the road that was super muddy. It also just happened to be pouring down raining for this part which made it even worse.)

I am happy to be writing you for the first time from Arua! It seems a little surreal to finally be home! Thank you for all who were praying on Friday for our safe arrival! After ten hours of traveling we arrived safely in Arua with all of our belongings! I cannot adequately explain in words what it has felt like these last few days as I am finally seeing a two and a half year call of mine finally become a reality. I am understanding in a new way what it means to have peace which transcends all understanding and joy abundantly! I was telling my friends here that I have slept so much better since I arrived in Arua because I am right where God wants me – it is a beautiful feeling! The last two days have been busy with unpacking and getting settled! My house is just perfect! It truly is a special little gift from God and answer to prayer! This morning we had a little church meeting with all of at the Rinehimer’s house. It was a great time of sharing and praying. We spent some time anointing and praying over their house (my house was anointed and prayed over when the Coppedge’s moved up to Arua in January). Then the missionaries who came to help us move in had a special time of anointing and praying over our team. It was a beautiful time and Jesus was so good to meet with us this morning! God has been reminding me all day of just how faithful He is when He calls us to follow Him. I was reminded of when I first felt the call two and a half years ago to work in Arua. I remembered how overwhelming the call seemed and how inadequate I felt – and now to be here, two and a half years later and to look back and see how time and time again God was refining me and preparing me for this time…Wow! He truly is faithful to those who walk with Him!

Once again thank you for all your support and prayers! You all are truly partners in ministry with me here in Uganda - because without your help and love none of this would be possible! So thank you!!

May God remind you today of His faithfulness in your life! "The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all He has made." Psalm 145: 13