Friday, December 14, 2007

Handing Over

It is hard to believe that it is already time to head back to America! Today is my last day in Arua as I fly down to Kampala early tomorrow morning. But Praise God forever for the way He has worked during my time here! There is SO much to praise Him for that words cannot even begin to describe the praise that is in my heart! As I look back over my time here I can see how God's hand was guiding me every day - with every conversation, every meeting, in absolutely everything!

Thank you all so much for praying for my last week here! I have felt your prayers and seen them answered!! One of the most precious moments of my life happened yesterday at Kid's Club. Every week we go to Uganda Christian University to play with the kids, teach them Bible stories, and just love on them. Yesterday I was sharing the story of Jesus birth and how He is the best gift of all. At the end I asked if anyone wanted to receive the gift of Jesus. A few of them raised their hands! Along with the translator we pulled them aside and talked with them further about what it means to give their life to Jesus. Then about six or seven of them prayed to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior!!! Praise Him forever!! It was a beautiful moment to hear the prayers of these little ones as they received Jesus!! (Some of them had already prayed to receive Christ before, but some it seemed like it was for the first time. The great thing is that they want to know Jesus more and have a heart for Him!!) Thank you, thank you for all the prayers you have been praying for these precious little ones! Also one of the little girls Alice, who Erica Rinehimer has been helping and loving on, who has been saddest child at Kid's Club smiled a few times during Kid's Club! It might not seem significant, but it was a HUGE blessing to see her smile!!! She also waved good-bye to us for the first time!! It was such a precious moment to see her smile and wave. Truly Love does make a difference!

The sex education curriculum has fully been handed into the hands of the Public Health Director and the Inspector of School of Arua. I have met with them three times since the training session and we have come up with a program for accountability with the teachers and future workshops that they will be leading. These two men are Christians and have a burden for making sure that the students of Arua are learning God's plan for sex and marriage! It has been a huge blessing to be able to have worked along side these men these last weeks and completely trust them to continue on the program! They are even starting to talk about working on a curriculum that they can teach to the younger children - please continue to pray for Robert and Raymond as they take over the training and curriculum.

Also you will be pleased to know that semen for the cows in Uleppi has successfully arrived!! With the semen here I have turned the breeding program over to the Director of Veterinary Offices of Arua and the Chief of Uleppi. I met with the Chief of Uleppi this week and he was proud to tell me that they have been keeping records since my visit and that they feel so much more knowledgeable about their herd. He kept thanking me over and over for helping his people and how they were so blessed to not only here the Word of God when we come, but also to have improvements to their herd that will improve their quality of living. Thank you so much for praying for the people of Uleppi and for your sacrificial giving to make this possible!!

Thank you for all of your prayers, support, and encouragement for my time here. I truly felt you carrying me in your prayers everyday!! I know that what happened here on the ground was in large part only possible because of all of your prayers for the ministry here! Please continue to pray for John and Erica Rinehimer as they will be here carrying the load of ministry alone until the Coppedge's are able to return. Also please continue to lift the Coppedge's up in prayer - for Billy's daddy and for continued health for Joanna and Elsie Jayne. As for me I will be arriving back in Georgia on Tuesday, December 18th and am looking forward to sharing in person what God has been doing in my life. Please be in prayer these next days for traveling mercy and for continued processing of my time here! Once again thank you for all of your prayers!!! Much love from Uganda!!
(Even though I will not be writing from Africa do expect a few more blogs on updates
as I continue to process my time here!)